Nature and forest path

'Pszczółkowski Hill", nature and forest path


A path equipped with educational panels featuring thirteen diverse forest habitats and their richness of flora and fauna as well as changes taking place in the environment. The boards also present historical and cultural values of selected areas of the Forest District - their history and legends associated with them. The path leads through diverse geomorphologic landforms shaped by a glacier.

Stop no. 1 - Gallows Hill

Stop no. 2 - "Mietek" the rock - monument of inanimate nature

Stop no. 3 - Castle Hill

Stop no. 4 - Old Wine Mountain

Stop no. 5 - On geographical location

Stop no. 6 - Black Pond

Stop no. 7 - Small retention

Stop no. 8 - What does a forest give us?

Stop no. 9 - Forest engineers

Stop no. 10 - The development of a forest

Stop no. 11 - Spring of Betrayal.

Stop no. 12 - Whose mark is that?

Stop no. 13 - The Water Mill.

  • fot. G. Sawko
    fot. G. Sawko
  • fot. G. Sawko
    fot. G. Sawko
  • fot. G. Sawko
    fot. G. Sawko

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Contact us

Nadleśnictwo Sława Śląska

ul. Niewidziajły 1A
67-410 Sława

tel. +48 68 356 62 29
fax. +48 68 356 62 29

Nadleśnictwo Sława Śląska 2015 © Wszystkie Prawa Zastrzeżone.
