nature trail

The nature trail "Hand in hand with nature" is part of the educational complex located in the immediate vicinity to the Forest District. Many species of native plants are planted on the path - trees, bushes and shrubs that occur in the nearby forests, and most of them can be found in the area of Sławskie Lake. The area along the path is an interesting and environmentally friendly irrigation system. Irrigation is based on natural rainwater which, taking advantage of a system of underground pipes, is drained from the gutters installed on the office building to the reservoir and then is pumped - if necessary - to sprinklers watering lawns. In the immediate vicinity of the trail a low educational shed is located. The trail is aimed at carrying out environmental education for children in preschool, elementary school and junior high school.

  • fot. G. Jędro
  • fot. G. Jędro
  • fot. G. Jędro

Podobne artykuły

Sława Śląska Forest District has a rich educational offer addressed to children from elementary schools, junior high schools, and secondary schools.

fot. G. Sawko

Within the Forest District there is an educational infrastructure, which includes trails, educational, natural and forest paths.

fot. G. Sawko

Educational path - "A different kind of a biology lesson"


fot. G. Sawko

For its location the region of Sława Śląska Forest District is full of many tourist attractions.

fot. G. Sawko

Both lakes as well as rivers of Sława Śląska Forest District region belong mainly to Zielona Góra District of Polish Angling Association (PZW) and leisure and

Najnowsze artykuły

Zapraszamy do obejrzenia prezentacji dotyczącej życia ptaków Pojezierza Sławskiego



1. Fundusze Europejskie

2. Infrastruktura i Środowisko


fot. G. Sawko

For its location the region of Sława Śląska Forest District is full of many tourist attractions.

fot. G. Sawko

Educational path - "A different kind of a biology lesson"


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Contact us

Nadleśnictwo Sława Śląska

ul. Niewidziajły 1A
67-410 Sława

tel. +48 68 356 62 29
fax. +48 68 356 62 29

Nadleśnictwo Sława Śląska 2015 © Wszystkie Prawa Zastrzeżone.
