
Three nature and forest as well as educational paths run through the Forest District.


Nature and forest path, "Pszczółkowskie Hills" - located on the area of Stare Strącze Forestry. In 2014, it underwent modernization under the project carried out by the Forest District called "Construction and Modernization of Tourist Paths of Sława Śląska Forest District to Protect Natura 2000." The route was complemented with 13 educational panels on various topics. In addition, the route path was equipped with 10 dustbins and two sets of covered benches and tables providing relax while cycling or walking along the path.


The educational path "A different kind of a biology lesson" in Świętobór Forestry was established in 1997-98. This path was also upgraded as part of the project; It is equipped with 13 new educational boards and 10 garbage cans. In addition, in the beginning of a path 4 covered benches with tables were mounted, 3-chamber bin for waste segregation and a hearth. Thanks to these changes, visitors can spend time admiring, e.g. wealth of forest habitats, local marshes, bogs, rare birds, or monumental trees.


The bike path "By Sławskie Lake" with parking for cars and tourist infrastructure. Facilities created as part of the project "Construction and Modernization of Tourist Paths Of Sława Śląska Forest District to Protect Natura 2000'. The path was marked out on the stretch of 4.61 km, 3.6 km, paved with natural aggregate. The path has ten tables placed along in order to present pedestrians and cyclists enjoying the path with the benefits of Natura 2000 sites, 50 dustbins and 2 sets of covered tables and benches. Moreover, the path is marked with arrows and signs arranging the traffic organization.

  • fot. G. Sawko
    fot. G. Sawko
  • fot. G. Sawko
    fot. G. Sawko
  • fot. G. Sawko
    fot. G. Sawko

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Sława Śląska is located in Lubuskie Province, Wschowa district. The village has just over 4,300 inhabitants. City of Sława is located by Sławskie Lake.


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Nadleśnictwo Sława Śląska

ul. Niewidziajły 1A
67-410 Sława

tel. +48 68 356 62 29
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